Monday, December 30, 2013

2013.12.29 [Discovery]


I don’t feel like writing right now but a lot of things have happened that obliges me to write.  I write for both myself and my readers so I cannot write too personally.  Well, I think the things I write about are personal anyways but it won’t be too personal. 

I think now I understand firsthand why only a special interviewer can interview a child at the Child Crisis Center.  Nobody else can talk to the child about what happened.  I have to talk to many people about why and how I feel and why I missed going to church for so long.  Saying and repeating things over and over again tires me and diminishes the quality of my story.  I could look to the good side and say that, by telling the story numerous times, I can be impromptu and tell a unique version of my story every time.  But, the quality will vary.  Or, I can just write this blog and refer people who ask to here.  Just kidding. 

Recently, I feel lonely.  I feel like nobody loves or cares about me.  I feel like a loser.  So, in my distress, I called a Christian brother, and some sisters.  I’m glad they took the time to listen and to help me.  Before I continue, I want to say that I find it difficult to write.  I just don’t feel like writing even though I want to.  I think whether a person feels or not to feel to do something is like opportunity.  If a person capitalizes on the opportunity, then that person gets a bonus to whatever he or she feels like doing.  I’m writing mostly because I have to write because I am trying to write at least once a week.  I used to write more in my heyday but it ebbs and flows.  I want to thank Jesus for helping me and providing for me even though there are still many things I don’t understand.  I also find that it takes time for me to “retool” to focus on something.  For example, if I am playing computer games and someone calls me, then I won’t be as effective answering the call.  However, if that person were to text me “call me soon,” then I have some time to adjust, drink some water, use the restroom, do some exercise, and try to focus on the task ahead.  I practice this concept in the military as well.  When I’m on my computer or sleeping and then someone knocks on everybody’s door because it’s time for barracks maintenance, I don’t go out right away.  Doing so will cause me to be dazed and I won’t be able to do a good job.  Instead, I stop what I’m doing and I take a short break.  Then, I come out and join the rest of the body to clean.  This practice helps me to focus on the task ahead and to prepare for the unexpected.  If it’s really last minute, like if someone calls me, then I would take a few breaths and then answer. 

Let me start by writing why I don’t (or used to) go to church.  Today, I finally came back to my Chinese church in El Paso after a long abstance.  The reason why I came is not really because it’s the last Sunday of the year but because I wanted to see a sister in that church who comes back to visit from college.  I feel the reason why I don’t go can be blamed on both myself and the church.  To start with the church, I feel, and this is how *I* feel, the church members as a whole don’t really love or care about me.  I feel alone in the church many times.  I feel like I can’t connect with most of the church members.  I reasoned that since it’s a small church, I should be able to get to know everyone.  By small, I mean about 70-80 members on Sundays on average.  But, a church brother told me that I won’t be able to make friends or get to know everybody really well.  Just making a few close friends from church is good enough.  However, I told him I lacked even that.  I mean, I do have friends, but I don’t talk to them a lot every week.  Most church members are just on a “hi” and “bye” basis.  You know, I tried to add some structure for this blog but I feel it is preventing me from writing, so I will just write what comes to mind.  On other words, I will write more randomly.  It’s kind of like me talking on the phone.  I would talk about one thing and then that one thing may lead to another unrelated topic.  Sometimes I ask myself how did I get there?  I do want to make friends.  I do want to be with people.  I am still introverted but not extremely because I spend a lot of that time on things that I don’t want to do.  For example, I love computer games, but, I don’t want to play it because I would rather do something that is more important.  I would rather spend quality time with people than to play my games.  And for friends, I don’t really want to make guy friends.  I want to make girl friends.  Why?  Because I want a girlfriend.  I want intimacy.  I want to be able to talk to someone intimately and to share my life with her.  My church members gave me some useful advice today.  They told me that I should first make girl friends before I make a girlfriend.  Ok, I really don’t feel like writing but I tried and I will continue later.  It’s not like a final paper or something that I *have* to write. 


E: 3:42pm

I wrote this on Faithbook and I thought instead of reinventing the wheel or telling my story yet another time, I can just share this:

Yesterday, I finally went back to church after a long time!  I was afraid to go back because I don’t want to lose face.  People there may ask where have I been or why have I ditched them.  But, I decided to go thanks to phone conversations with my church youth brother and sisters.  I stopped going for many reasons, both internally and externally.  Internally, I was depressed.  I was frustrated and stressed out by life events at that time.  I also didn’t want to go to church.  I see it was a waste of time because of external reasons.  Externally, I stopped coming because I felt my church members don’t really love or care about me.  I have trouble making connections and relationships with church members despite my effort to try and talk to different people when possible.  I also feel like there wasn’t enough time to bond with them.  Only on special occasions like Easter or during lunch do I have the opportunity to talk to them.  Language is also an issue.  Many members are fluent in Chinese but not-so-good in English.  For me, it’s the reverse.  So, I couldn’t really understand them and they couldn’t really understand me.  Finally, I felt the church leadership hampered my desire to serve God.  There were times when I wanted to teach or say something meaningful but was discouraged or told to wait. 

Going to church should be to fellowship with God and with people.  However, if I couldn’t really fellowship with people, what is the point of going to church?  I can just worship and pray to Him in my room.  God sees, He knows the heart, He will be the judge.

I am going to try again going to my church.  I talked with a few people yesterday about these issues and I got some insight.  First, it’s impossible for anyone to make friends with everyone.  It would be more realistic to just make a few good friends.  Second, I am going to try again differently.  I’m going to be more aggressive or proactive in getting the things that I want.  I felt I didn’t get what I want because I was too soft, passive, and afraid.  Third, I’m going to start hanging out the power group.  Before, I would usually hang out with the youth or with people who seem to be alone.  But now I realize, a likely factor of why things are so frustrating for me at church is because I didn’t hang out with the right people.  I need to sit next to deacons, elders, and the like so I can also have some power and influence.  It’s sad, but politics plays a big part in this world. 

One thing I know for sure is I will still put God first.  Whether my plans succeed or not depends on God and my willingness to follow Him.  I want to do His will.  I will try to be more active on Faithbook.  So yeah, I’m trying to learn from my mistakes and to try again.


A lot about life is about power and as a future social worker, our task is to empower our clients, to give our clients more power so they can better themselves.  Right now, to exaggerate a bit, my church is just run by a few old men.  They are the ones who call the shots.  True, church members can vote but the majority of the voice is from them. 

This issue of power depresses me.  It is like a big rat race that everybody is on.  The only comfort I find is that an all-powerful and an all-loving God loves and cares about me.  He will judge the world in the end.  

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