Saturday, May 30, 2015

Decorations for the Christian Car [Series 1]


Hello Everyone!

I have been designing these Christian bumper stickers and a licence plate for my car.  I plan to design more but these are what I have now, to share.  :)




Partial Source:

Monday, May 11, 2015

Humankind’s Mission on Earth 2

5/11/2015: Humankind’s Mission on Earth 2

S: 10:38pm – 11:25pm

This afternoon, I went to HOP (House of Peace or House of Prayer) from Ignite Movement Church.  Today’s short sermon at my home fellowship coincidentally applies to this topic of humankind’s mission on earth.  I would like to add a second installment.

            On the Fourth of July, America celebrates one of its most famous holidays.  It celebrates its independence from Great Britain with great fanfare.  However, no nation nor person is truly independent. 

            The spirit of independence in a person is contradictory to God’s plan for us.  By choosing to be independent, we declare to God that we are in control and not God; that we know better than God.  This spirit originates from Satan.  Why did Satan rebel?  Because he wanted independence rather than dependence on God and he swayed a third of the angels with him.  When we are independent, we are no different than Satan.

            Man is a dependent being.  He needs food, air, water, and so forth.  By nature, he is not independent.  Rather, God provides for humanity.  Everything must be asked from God.  We need to depend on God because we are not God. 

            Ironically, true freedom is obtained when we are dependent and enslaved to God, for it is in Christ that we are free (Gal. 5:1).  If we don’t choose God than we will be slaved by Satan, by the world, and by our flesh.  Slavery tends to have a bad rap.  It earned a bad reputation because the slaves on earth are controlled by human masters, who are prone to sin.  However, God is a master that is all-loving and good. 

            An example of a slave (in a good term) is Jesus.  Jesus, when he came down to Earth, was totally dependent on God.  He would not do anything his Father had not done.  Jesus depended so much on God that he knew his life isn’t even his.  He is the biggest slave to God.

            So where does the spirit of independence come from?  It comes from the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve chose to eat from the tree of knowledge.  They think they know better.  They think they will be like God.  Before, God provided everything directly, but now, human beings have to work from the sweat of their brow to survive.  From then on came science, came technology.  They make life easier for human beings but, in a way, science can be seen as man’s attempt to be like God.  Look at the tower of Babel, it was an engineering feat.  Look at the castles, the walls, the strongholds, the iron chariots made by man.  Mankind try to use technology to be like God. 

However, this is where I am stuck.  I know that science and technology came after the Fall, i.e. the fall of man.  However, many great Christians are scientists, such as Mendel, Newton, and Copernicus.  Thus, science can be God’s revelation to man.  This is, after all, my Father’s world.  So, it depends on the intention.  If a person chooses to be a scientist because he or she is inspired by God’s creation, than that is right.  However, if that same person choose the profession to be like God; to defeat Him, than it is wrong.  However, since humankind is generally evil, these multipliers will do more harm than good.

The bottom line is this: Life doesn’t have to be so complicated.  If humankind, if America, were to submit to God, to have total dependence on Him, God will heal the person and this country.

Man’s Mission on Earth

5/11/2015: Man’s Mission on Earth

S: 12:45pm – 1pm

Many times, I ask myself: If God wants us to follow Him, then why does he create the sciences, mathematics, Calculus, etc?  Why does he create the arts, the cultures?  These things won’t last in the next world.

But now, after some reflection and thinking, I know the answer (at least partially).  In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  He created man in his own image.  God told them that their mission is to tend to the garden, the animals, and all that God has made.  Man’s mission from God is to take care of the world.  And humankind was naked.

All that changed when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the *knowledge* of good and evil.  Shortly after eating that forbidden fruit, the humans sewed fig leaves to cover themselves.  That is the first invention.  The first invention and thing that the humans created was clothing.  Note also that the first inventions came after Adam and Eve has sinned.

Why does God tell us not to eat from the tree of knowledge?  Maybe it’s because God knows that if we do have knowledge, we may use it for evil purposes.  We will be slaves to our flesh. 

So our original purpose in life is to take care of the world.  That was God’s intention.  Lord, help me to take care of this world, to take care of what you have made, to take care of people, for that is your intention. 

So perhaps God’s intention, the reason why he made us, is not for us to get knowledge but rather to simply tend the earth.  If not, why did God forbid Adam and Eve from eating fruit from that tree?  Life before was easy.  We are simply to tend and worship God.  The food will grow by itself.  We are simply to rest in God’s presence.  Perhaps God never intended or wanted us to learn the sciences, the maths, cultures, and other subjects.